4 Ways To Give Appreciation to WFH Employees

4 Ways To Give Appreciation to WFH Employees

Remember a time when everyone wasn’t working remotely? Where most people were either in an office building or a plane to fly to the next work spot? Now that we’ve all worked from home for about a year and a half, it seems unreal.

We’ve all had to make changes to our daily routines and overall lives. Employees deserve appreciation. Follow through with the appreciation techniques we may have stopped after the first few months.

Below, we’ve put together some of our favorite ways to give appreciation to WFH employees. From sending some corporate gift baskets in Toronto to giving them a random half-day, these are a few ways to show employees you really care.

Send Them Something

You have many options here, from a spa care package to flowers on a birthday to a gift basket that contains their favorite snack. Don’t underestimate the power of sending something in the mail—it absolutely transforms perspectives. Employees will believe—they do care about me!

Our Corporate Gift Baskets

  • Two wine gift set
  • Champagne and chocolate hamper
  • Hennessy gift basket
  • Fruit basket
  • Tea basket
  • And much more!

Shout Out Successes (Both Publicly and Privately)

We’ve all worked at a place where it seems like nobody cares about our wins. Whether you shout out a department at the weekly meeting or send a message to a specific individual recognizing their growth, these shout-outs mean a lot.

Just ensure that you provide an equal number of public shout-outs and private recognitions!

Start Up a Wellness Program

A wellness program can take any form, from meditation meetings to Wednesday yoga to milestone rewards for exercise, steps, and more. Motivate your employees to improve their health—in whatever way works best for them. And then, provide the rewards for doing so!

Give Them a Day Off

Our last way to give appreciation to WFH employees has to do with rest. We all know it—sometimes those two-day weekends just aren’t enough. Give them the treat of a half-day on Fridays or a full day off one Friday a month. This gives them the opportunity to spend time with family, destress before the next workweek, and simply relax from the monotony of the week.

Trust us—when you pair up a day off with one of our stellar gift baskets, your employees are sure to appreciate you in return. Turn to Alexandria Gifts any time you need to show appreciation and care for the people in your life!

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